We hope that you have found a program or service that is of interest.
If you would like to know more about a program, class availability or any additional information please call us on 9557 9037 or use the Enquiry Form below.
Classes are subject to sufficient enrolments. Should a class be cancelled, GSCH will notify you and your fees refunded. Otherwise, please attend the first class as advertised.
GSCH reserve the right to cancel or change class days, times, fees and tutors when necessary.
Enrolments are confirmed on payment of a deposit of $30 for adult classes – this will be retained as part of your final payment. Payment in full is required 5 working days prior to class commencing, however, if you are having difficulties, regular instalments will be accepted by arrangement with the House Manager.
Godfrey Street Community House would like to acknowledge financial support from Office of Adult, Community & Further Education (Learn Local), City of Glen Eira & Department of Families, Fairness & Housing.
An annual membership fee is payable when first enrolling at the House. The membership fee is from January to December of each year and is non-refundable.
There are 2 types of memberships available ‘Associate’ or ‘Financial’
IN PERSON – By cash, Cheque or EftPos
MAIL – Forward name and contact details and class wishing to enrol in along with Cheque, or Credit Card Details. Do not send cash in the mail.
EftPos – In person or over the phone. 9557 9037
All our programs are run at the lowest cost possible. We are not able to offer any additional discounts to our programs or services.
Classes are not held on public or school holidays – except in special pre-arranged circumstance.
Please choose your classes carefully; GSCH cannot be responsible for changes in your circumstance. Refunds will be issued if at least 7 days’ notice is given prior to class commencing. An administration fee of $30 will be deducted from refunds. We regret that classes with low enrolments may be cancelled or deferred by GSCH. You will be advised of this prior to commencement date. On these occasions a full class refund will be issued or transferred to deferred date on request of student. Refunds will take up to a week to process.
Arrangement will be made where possible to integrate students and children with special needs. Ask at the office when enrolling.
GSCH has a band of volunteers, for further enquiries phone 9557 9037.